FAQ'S - Private Pilot Licence (PPL)

Will you be releasing all New Zealand PPL courses online?

Yes. We are progressively rolling these out.

Are all of your PPL courses self study?

Yes, however we are more of a hybrid theory course provider. While our courses are self study, we provide a dynamic Learner Help Desk (LHD) where you can post questions to us, interact with other students and search past questions and responses from our theory course developers. Our LHD is used a lot by our students - which means there is a lot of incredibly useful information already available.

What is the cost of the PPL courses?

All our PPL courses can be accessed for a single recurring monthly subscription fee. See the course catalog for details. We have been delivering our courses for several years based on the subscription model. Feedback from our students has been great. Maximum flexibility and cost effective. Cancel anytime. There is no doubt this is one of the most cost effective PPL study options in New Zealand. View our PPL courses now.

How long will it take me to complete the PPL courses?

Depends on your study schedule. Some student pilots can complete all PPL courses in 2-3 weeks full time study. Others choose a more leisurely part time approach and will complete them within 2-4 months. Take as little or as much time as you like.

I'm still at high school. Can I start your online PPL theory courses while I'm still at school?

Absolutely! In fact, we think it is the perfect time to start your PPL theory studies. Take some time over your school holidays during the year, or the Christmas break and get stuck in. Get ahead before you complete school. We are here to support you - so please reach out to us if you have any questions.

Can I use the student loan scheme to pay for your online PPL courses?

No. We strongly recommend you save any student loan funding you may have for the practical flight training components at your flying school.The cost of hiring training aircraft can be expensive, but your theory courses do NOT need to be.

So, what about online CPL and IFR courses - will you be releasing them too?

Yes. Our course developers are currently working hard to launch all the CPL courses. We have some CPL courses available now - these are also part of the All Access Platinum Subscription - so you'll be able to access these courses when you purchase the monthly subscription. The IFR syllabus is currently being redrafted by NZCAA, so our courses when available online will reflect this latest syllabus when it is finalised.

General FAQ's

I am having trouble getting past the reCAPTCHA when attempting to register on Pilot Life Training.

We use reCAPTCHA to help prevent spam and other non authorised users on our platform. The system works very well. If you are having trouble moving past this section of the registration process, please try clearing your browsers cache, close your browser and reopen and then try again. This will most likely fix any issues.

Can I see a demo of one of the courses before I commit?

You sure can! Check out our Demo page here.

How do I access the new Learner Helpdesk?

Our learners can discuss course related topics with our course developers - right here on our site. Here you can post up questions and see previous student posts and questions. Checkout our video on our Learner Helpdesk.

Do you have a suggested order to study your ATPL courses?

We sure do. Take a look HERE.


Do you have any questions?

Email us at enrolments@pilotlifetraining.com